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The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here (at least if you follow the royals as much as we do).

Four shorts explore the surprising ways in which unexpected catalysts inflame the uncomfortable emotions simmering under fractured relationships.

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“Budding software developer Natalia knows a lot about programming and very little about sex. With her friends Monika and Paulina, she embarks on a quest to better understand the mysteries of the female orgasm, build an app that will win an inter-university competition and maybe, just maybe, serve the needs of her peers.

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Quando a família McKellan se muda do Seattle para uma cidadezinha na Georgia, a vida no sul dos EUA e os avós conservadores desafiam seu visual por vida.

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) keeps up every step of the way as her chilling and multifaceted captor, but this is Palmer’s film, and it gave the dynamite actress long-relegated to playing love-interest side characters a serious calling card in Hollywood.

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Any self care list worth your time will include some type of alone time, and what can be more loving for yourself than some tried and true masturbation? Masturbation is like all encompassing self care: it’s good for your mais informações mood, overall wellness, and can even make your skin glow. Grab a waterproof sex toy and put a few drops of Tonic into your bath, or use it on your intimate skin or elsewhere after your bath to take the time to show your body some love. Even if your skin is extremely sensitive like mine, you can safely use this oil anywhere externally for luxurious hydration without harsh chemicals and fake fragrances usually found in bubble bath products and other traditional body soaps and lotions.

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